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 “Informing and inspiring your team to be brave and to contribute to things that matter.”

Program 2 : Water Works 

Did you know.... Nearly 1 billion people worldwide have no access to safe drinking water? 


...Unsafe drinking water is the biggest killer of children under the age of 5 – 1.8 million children dies every year – that’s 5000 every day?


...50% of hospital beds worldwide are taken up by those suffering from water-borne diseases?


The Water Works Program is a truly unique opportunity for organisations to get involved with a worthwhile cause at the same time as participating in a fantastic team-building and learning opportunity. 


In a nutshell, this program enables ordinary people across the world to get involved in building and donating a water filtration system that will effectively increase the health and well-being of an entire community.


What can you expect on the day?

  • Usually, attendees arrive with no idea what they’re going to be doing together. We like it that way because when we reveal what we’re doing together it’s an eye-opening experience. 

  • Each person gets an opportunity to work in a team to assemble a completely functional water filtration unit 

  • There are only 9 parts that go together in a particular way to assemble the final product however success is dependent on all participants taking a collaborative and customer-centric approach. 

  • Teams typically default to competing against each other and a number of counter-productive behaviors often emerge which can be explored later. 

  • Once each team has built a filtration unit we ask them to decorate a canvas which will have a dual purpose: 

  • The artwork will identify the specific filtration unit their group has sponsored

  • It will also be a fantastic memento for your teams and company and can be hung in the workplace as a reminder of the activity.


Why not view our video below to find out more:

Contact us directly to book your team building workshop at your next conference or team engagement meeting.

How do our filtration systems find their way to people in need?


  • Each filtration system is delivered by our charity partner Lifewater. They are an amazing group of people who not only ensure that our filtration systems are delivered free of charge, but that they also hold a training event on day one where they teach each recipient family how to use their filtration system. They also identify how to identify and fix any of the most common problems that might occur with their system. 

  • That means that each recipient doesn’t just get a fantastic new filtration system but they are even taught how to use it!

  • We distribute two types of water filtration systems as part of this program. Emergency systems are compact and portable and have been designed specifically to enable emergency crews to respond quickly to natural disasters and prevent avoidable outbreaks of disease during such circumstances. Static systems are much larger and these are designed for household, school or health centre use. These are far less portable but are ideal for long-term use. Both emergency and static systems last for 2 years however emergency systems are a little less robust and can be damaged if they are not well cared for.

  • During the distribution process, we help the local community establish a committee which then oversees the use of all water systems and their maintenance. Having local people driving the process ensures a level of ownership and is a much more sustainable approach.

  • Although Water Works activity participants might donate one filtration system at a time, our charity partners only help one Village at a time. Essentially, they wait until we have donated a sufficient number of filtration units for each specific village in need before they then go into that village. That’s a really important aspect of the process as it ensures that the community can move forward together in the right spirit. There’s limited risk of jealousy or temptation and in every sense, the overall impact of all donations is far greater because they are made together than if they were made individually.

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